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Creating a Family or Relationship Manifesto
In an increasingly busy and interconnected world, families and relationships face unique challenges. Creating a family or relationship manifesto—a set of shared values and behaviou
Published on July 03, 2024
In Self-Mastery
Written by Rudi Viljoen

Creating a Family or Relationship Manifesto

A Blueprint for Harmonious Living

In an increasingly busy and interconnected world, families and relationships face unique challenges. Creating a family or relationship manifesto—a set of shared values and behaviour agreements—can serve as a powerful tool. This manifesto acts as a foundation for all interactions, communication, and behaviors within the family dynamics, providing clear Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) for every member.

What is a Family or Relationship Manifesto?

A family or relationship manifesto is a collectively created document that outlines the core values, principles, and behaviors that members agree to uphold. It’s akin to a mission statement for organizations, but it focuses on personal relationships, ensuring everyone is on the same page regarding expectations and standards of conduct. The manifesto is not rigid; it can evolve as the family grows and changes.

Why Create a Manifesto?

  1. Clarity and Direction: A manifesto provides a clear understanding of what is important to the family or relationship, guiding decisions and actions.
  2. Conflict Resolution: By having pre-agreed values and behaviors, conflicts can be managed more effectively, as there is a reference point for resolving disagreements.
  3. Strengthened Bonds: Working together to create the manifesto can enhance communication and deepen relationships, fostering a sense of unity and mutual respect.
  4. Consistency: It ensures consistent behavior and communication, making interactions predictable and stable, which is especially beneficial for children.
  5. Growth and Accountability: KPIs within the manifesto help track progress and hold members accountable, promoting personal and collective growth.

Steps to Create a Family or Relationship Manifesto

  1. Gather Input from All Members: The process should be inclusive. Arrange a meeting where everyone can share their thoughts on what values and behaviors are important. This ensures that the manifesto reflects the collective voice of the family or relationship.
  2. Identify Core Values: Discuss and identify core values that resonate with everyone. Common values might include respect, honesty, empathy, support, and responsibility.
  3. Define Behaviors and Actions: Translate these values into specific behaviors and actions. For example, if one of the values is respect, a corresponding behavior might be listening without interrupting when someone is speaking.
  4. Set Key Performance Indicators (KPIs): Develop KPIs to measure adherence to the values and behaviors. These could be both qualitative and quantitative. For instance:
    • Respect: Number of instances where members practice active listening during family meetings.
    • Honesty: Regular check-ins where members feel safe to share openly without fear of judgment.
    • Support: Frequency of family activities that encourage teamwork and mutual aid.
  5. Create the Document: Write down the values, behaviors, and KPIs in a clear, concise document. It should be accessible and understandable to all members, including children.
  6. Review and Revise: Schedule regular reviews of the manifesto to ensure it remains relevant. Life changes, and so should the manifesto. Make adjustments as needed to reflect new circumstances or insights.
  7. Communicate and Practice: Ensure that the manifesto is communicated clearly to all members. Practice the agreed behaviors and regularly discuss how the family or relationship is doing in meeting the KPIs.

Sample Family Manifesto

Our Values:

  • Respect: We value each person’s opinions and feelings.
  • Honesty: We are truthful and open with each other.
  • Empathy: We strive to understand and share the feelings of others.
  • Support: We help and encourage each other.

Our Behaviors:

  • Respect: Listen actively, maintain eye contact, and avoid interrupting.
  • Honesty: Share feelings and thoughts openly during weekly check-ins.
  • Empathy: Practice putting ourselves in each other’s shoes and respond with kindness.
  • Support: Engage in family activities that require teamwork and offer help when someone is struggling.

Our KPIs:

  • Respect: Zero instances of interruptions during family meetings.
  • Honesty: 100% participation in weekly check-ins with open sharing.
  • Empathy: Each member practices empathetic listening at least once a day.
  • Support: Monthly family projects completed together.


Creating a family or relationship manifesto is a proactive step towards building a harmonious and resilient family unit. It sets clear expectations and provides a roadmap for behavior and communication, fostering a supportive and nurturing environment. By regularly revisiting and adhering to the manifesto, families can navigate the challenges of life with a shared sense of purpose and cohesion.

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